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Understanding the detail. Getting the big picture

As industry leaders we strongly value the importance of continuous learning and development and encourage networking and knowledge sharing. Creating awareness around our strategy and enhancing our people skills set is a milestone of our people strategy.

Within Prysmian Group Academy, our employees have the opportunity to be part of qualitative and tailored trainings.

The synergy among our four Schools aims to cover all development needs of our People, providing up-skilling training programs through Local and Digital School and boosting Professional and Managerial competences for personal and career growth.

What we offer at Prysmian Academy


Leadership School

Our school of management, in partnership with global business schools, offers training programs to strenghten leadership and managerial skills.

It represents our best asset to develop our future leaders and ensure the global culture embedded in our values.


Professional School

Our Professional School aims to develop high-level technical knowledge in top performers of every functional area.

It offers opportunities to share know-how with our functional leaders, to boost career opportunities, to be part of a worldwide community.


Digital School

Our Digital School ensures continuous learning to all our employees.

In our company culture, we encourage our employees to be accountable for their own development.

More than 50 courses available:

  • Performance & Talent Management (P3, P4)
  • Language Platform (9 languages available: English, Italian, French. German, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and Russian)
  • Soft Skills
  • D&I
  • Quality
  • Finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Safety
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Training: Average Hours per FTE (Y 2021) 30,3
Training Expenses: Average Amount per FTE (Y 2021) € 146,17 Euro

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Schieweg 9, 2627 AN Delft